Friday, December 26, 2008

2009 New Year Resolutions

I am ready to begin the new year. One of my goals for 2009, in addition to regularly contribute something interesting to this blog, is to work on two photographic projects. I guess these goals are my 2009 New Year resolutions.

My two projects are to assemble and edit photographs from India and China. I have over 5,000 images from these two countries captured during my visits there. My plan is to select, edit and post (and maybe exhibit or publish) my images that document places and people from both of these countries.

China and India are extraordinary places. I hope my images will evoke your emotions, through the medium of photography, to experience the people, the sights, sounds and smells of both of these incredible parts of the world.

The image included in this blog post is of a man plucking feathers from a bird with his teeth in the City Market of Bangalore, India. This capture was taken in October of 2007 during my month long stay in India. I spend one afternoon in the Bangalore City Market and it was an overwhelming experience that overdosed all of my senses.

Would you join me in this wonderful journey? Perhaps you have been to either China or India? Please share your stories!

Cheers and Happy New Year!


1 comment:

Lark said...


This is a delightful idea, and knowing you, it will be full of fantastic images, for you have the gift of sight.

Looking forward to the evolving project...
