I miss those wintery Christmas days in Utah. I have been following the travels of a work colleague over the last few days as she traveled through Park City, Utah, before going on to visit family in Oregon. The pictures of the mountains, snow and idyllic wintery scenes make me miss those times so much.
However, my blood has run thin living in Southern California for the past several years. I like the warm weather, picking lemons in December, and especially this time of the season as Pasadena gets ready for New Year's day, Rose Parade, and the Rose Bowl game festivities. It is an amazing time of year to be in Pasadena.
I have such fond memories of the many years we lived in Utah but I have to omit it's nice to put the top down on the car, throw on a pair California-looking sun glasses and go for a drive to do Christmas shopping.......while passing all the palm trees. The biggest storm threat around here is for the Santa Ana winds to blow in and avoid getting hit from falling palm fronds. And maybe sometimes a little rain comes in. Overall, pretty tough.
But Christmas is Christmas no matter where you live. I grew up on the east coast and spent many Christmas seasons in the charm of New England. Since New England, we have had Christmas in Seattle, Oregon, Utah, and now California. Despite living in different locations, one thing remains the same. Aside from the importance of Christmas as part of the Christian calendar and the birth of our savior, Jesus, family is such a special element of the season.
I thoroughly enjoyed the times when our children were little but I must confuse I like it better each year as they get older. It gets more challenging each year to find what they like but I find shopping for them one of the best parts. I love to find them gifts.
Now we have a grandchild on the way, due in May. I have a feeling Christmas will get even better next year.
Christmas, birth of our savior, shopping for my kids, hanging together on Christmas Day, living in southern California, and seeing my children grow up become all we hoped for in them; it just doesn't get any better than this......except maybe with adding a new grandchild to the mix!
Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Photoshop World 2015 Las Vegas
9 years ago
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