Saturday, April 4, 2009

In Flight

In my day job, I have traveled extensively. At times, I have traveled up to 50% of the time, traveled to many places around the world, and lived in China and India for a brief period. I love to travel to exotic and interesting places. And of course, I bring my camera with me.

Things have changed these days. My career is in transition and I do not travel anywhere to the extent I used to in the past. In fact, I rarely travel now.

However, this past week I had to make a short trip to San Jose, CA. The trip was for business but also allowed me to connect with Kathy Waite, Waite Associates and Adobe, and a high school friend, Cindy Emond Fay, that I hadn't seen in over 33 years. Cindy and I got reconnected on Facebook about a year ago. It was great to see both face-to-face and visit with them for a while.

It is always great to connect with friends and colleagues and my blog post is to share the photographic inspiration I receive from other people.

I met and heard Jay Maisel at NAPP's Photoshop World in Las Vegas in September, 2008. It was the first Photoshop World I have ever attended. It was an awesome event. See my guest blog post regarding Photoshop World at my good friend, Rich Legg's, blog at

Jay's work is inspiring and his words of wisdom are equally so. Read Jay's guest blog post on Scott Kelby's blog . Jay's website can be found at . At Photoshop World, Jay left me with several thoughts:
- You cannot take photographs unless you carry your camera with you - take it with you everywhere
- The best photographs are right behind you - turn around
- Give yourself personal photographic assignment challenges

Jay's words have stuck with me to this day.

The second person that inspired me was Julieanne Kost, Adobe's Chief Photoshop Evangelist. Julieanne's images are amazing and she is also a terrific teacher. I can see why Adobe made her their chief Photoshop evangelist.

You can find Julieanne at and . Check out her work.

Now, here is the connection with traveling, Jay Maisel and Julieanne Kost. Julieanne has done a series of images taken from the seat of the many, many planes she has been on in her extensive travels. Her book of these images, Windows, is worth checking out. Jay Maisel has inspired me to take my camera everywhere, look behind me and challenge myself photographically. Julieanne's idea of taking photographs from her seat on the plane out the window is a view of the world I had never thought of. I love the great ideas other people have and wish I could think of those things.

My photograph above, In Flight, was taken out of the plane window on my recent trip to California. Normally I get on a plane, turn on my iPod and fall asleep. Now, I get on a plane, turn on my iPod and look out the window. I used to always get an aisle seat. Now I always take the window seat. I took this photograph because I had my camera with me and I looked out the window.

Thank you Jay and Julieanne!



Scott Smith said...

Having spent the last ten years traveling and not caring much for photos I regret all the opportunities I had for some amazing photographs. I now carry my camera with me everywhere as well. I've been able capture some moments that would have been lost forever.
Hope things are going good for you and your family. Haven't seen/heard much of you online lately.

Dale A. Welcome said...

Thanks Scott for your comments and checking in on me. I have been quiet online while I ramp up the job search but am trying to do more posts and work on some of my images to balance things out and keep life enjoyable and in perspective.