Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday walks

I missed my Sunday walk with my wife, Joy, and our dog, Roxy, today. My oldest son, Douglas, was teaching me Adobe Dreamweaver and helping creating my website....and this blog.

However, I posted an image from last week's Sunday walk around our neighborhood on South Mountain in Draper, UT. This capture was taken while walking on one of the wooded trails close to our house. We are so fortunate to have mountains, trails and such beauty so close to our home. A real delight for a photographer out looking for light, contrast and color.

I have challeged myself to take up the words of Jay Maisel, renowned photographer from New York City, "you can't take photographs if you don't have your camera with you!" So I decided to take my camera with me on our Sunday afternoon walk last week and this is one of my captures.

I liked this image because of the deep blue sky and contrast of the bare tree in the foreground. The weather in Utah over the month of November has been generally sunny and beautiful, unlike the rain, clouds and wet days from when we lived in Oregon. It makes for wonderful autumn days filled with sunshine and crisp, cool air.

See you in a week for my next post.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking good!