Take my wife. That is her on the left in the photo above and with her is our neighbor, Liz. They take routine walks, sometimes have coffee, and work in the kitchen together. Now see what you get......two women getting together and the result is planning a conspiracy. Their routine rendezvous’ are on the premise of walking the dogs, shopping and the like. But look at them in this photo; don’t them look like they are concocting some evil conspiracy? These are not just two women innocently preparing a salad in the kitchen. I am sure these are conspiracy meetings.
I happened to capture this photo of them in the kitchen. It was like one of those paparazzi shots. It seems benign enough. However, do not be fooled. I don’t know what they were talking about, or conspiring about. Look at their eyes. I just know they are crafting some conspiracy and it will be all too clear to me one day. I will blog on it when I discover what the conspiracy was.
When the ladies return from their walks, I will ask what they talked about. “Nothing special” is generally the answer. I might get lucky some days and get briefed on some interesting neighborhood topic. But I know it is just a cover. They never reveal the real topics of their discussions or their conspiracy plans.
Men don’t conspire. Women don’t perspire and men don’t conspire. We are not that smart. For sure, we are not smart enough to out-conspire a woman. However, give us men some credit; we are smart enough to not even try.
What is your favorite conspiracy? Do you have a conspiracy theory? Women, would you care to let us in on any of your conspiracies? Anonymously, of course………….